The Greater Springfield church of Christ has become a satellite school for the Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI).The “audit” level course is free of charge except the cost of the workbook.  Other levels including a Bachelor’s Degree are also available at additional cost.  Learn more about this at the SIBI website or contact us.

Members of our church have already completed the classes:
The Distinctiveness of the Church
The History of Christianity
The book of Revelation
The book of James


Our church has subscribed to RightNow Media which has the potential to serve every member AND anyone who has visited our church. This is for the people in our church as well as family and friends who are struggling or hurting. There could be parents who need help with their out of control teenager. There may be couples in desperate need of healing in their marriage. There may be a family in our church on the verge of a financial meltdown and they desperately need to learn the Biblical principles of how to handle money.   Click on the link and receive an invite to RightNow Media…


Click here for a calendar of events

The Story of the Prayer Coins – more to come